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2019 is upon us!

Hello intactivists and others who speak out for genital autonomy!

2018 has been a huge year for genital autonomy!  We have seen the documentary American Circumcision roll out on all the popular platforms which has led to a flurry of discussions on various social media platforms.  We have seen record numbers of protesters with the Bloodstained Men as well as many solo protests.  Many new Facebook groups have been created, including:

If anyone you know fits one of these groups, please be sure to let them know about them.  Membership is important to let the world know how many of these people exist.

Your Whole Baby has put up multiple billboards, continued to grow their social media coverage and started a group for regret parents on Facebook.

Intaction has also been very active in the media this year.  Their mobile billboard has been running around a lot too!

Genital autonomy has also had a setback; that is, if you decide to look at it that way.  In November, a US federal judge ruled the anti-FGM law unconstitutional and that the states needed to enforce this sort of activity instead of the federal government.  Personally, I see this as an opportunity to increase awareness and to bring together a united front against ALL genital cutting of children.

For starters, I created a petition for my state (Washington), which was duplicated for California:

I hope others decide to do the same for their state.

There are many activities that one can do to help make this critical change in the world.  I know many people want to do more, but are unsure of exactly what to do, how to do it and they (understandably) don’t want to go it alone.  I feel that I have a duty to speak out for the next generation’s human rights. That is why I created this site: to connect all who desire to support genital autonomy.  Please register yourself and update your profile with your location (at least state), special knowledge and sorts of tasks you are interested in.  Emails will be sent to you for activities that fit you with instructions as to who to contact.  A list of existing activities can be found here.

Thank you for all of your intactivism work, I sincerely believe the next generation appreciates it!

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