Site icon Genital Autonomy Society

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!  The intention of this site is to allow for people and organizations to register themselves as supporters of genital autonomy.

Individuals will be able to identify themselves as healing arts professionals (i.e. doctors / midwives / nurses / doulas / etc.) so others can look for a professional in their area (much like what’s on Your Whole Baby).  Individuals will also be able to identify themselves as intactivists and identify the kinds of intactivism they are interested in.  This will provide ways for intactivism organizations to recruit intactivists with specific skills and desires to help for specific efforts and events.

I’m hoping for-profit organizations will register and donate in order to get advertising.  I want to design it so people can donate at this organization and choose percentages of their donations to go to other organizations, but, get credit for doing so here.

Some of the organizations that I desire to support include, but are not limited to:

Here are some efforts I would like to help fund that are not currently being addressed by these organizations:

John Adkison

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

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